学习笔记 1 - ADHD in Adulthood: The Signs You Need to Know (成人期多动症) - 小铜 的网络笔记

(英文原文在下面)资料来源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8J4wl9eUe4Dr. Judy and Kyle's注意力缺陷多动障碍是一种个体可能有很多关于注意力的症状,难以集中注意力,或者同时也可能有多动和冲动的情况。这是一种发育障碍,意味着一些症状会在儿童时期出现,尽管对很多人来说,他们能够在一定程度上控制,直到他们长大,日常生活的任务需求变得更大

学习笔记 1 - ADHD in Adulthood: The Signs You Need to Know (成人期多动症)

学习笔记 1 - ADHD in Adulthood: The Signs You Need to Know (成人期多动症)

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Dr. Judy and Kyle's






Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition where individual might have a lot of attention symptoms where they have difficulty focusing or they might also at the same time have hyperactivity and impulsive. It’s a developmental disorder means that some symptoms have to be present in childhood although for a lot of people they are able to sort of manage until they get older and the task demands of everyday life become greater.

If you just have inattentiveness occasionally but it doesn’t actually impair your functioning and you are not that distressed about it then you are not really going to quality for that diagnosis of ADHD. Adulthood ADHD is relatively at 50% of the prevalence rate as childhood ADHD. So national studies have shown that ADHD in childhood is about 5% of the population in adulthood it’s two and a half. So roughly 50% of people recover from ADHD by the time they hit the age of 18, and then 50% go on to continue to suffer symptoms in their adulthood and I think a big misconception is that it looks the same for some reason because it doesn’t in adulthood ADHD the hyperactive and impulsive features look very different. As a child the child’s running around the classroom getting out of their seats really being very rule not abiding, you know which causes some negative attention and that’s usually when the teachers are going to fight them and talk to the parents. It’s all hood they may still have that restlessness but as adults we are a bit more controlled in terms of our behavior so we are not going to be running around when we know we are not supposed to. But you might just feel really fidgety and so sometimes you see individuals like tapping very nervously on the desk or on the table, and that may be a manifestation of an adulthood form of combined ADHD.

When you actually have the clinical features of ADHD it is very different and in an adult there’s a lot of emotional dysregulation going on to have a harder time tolerating frustration they may have a lot less patience, it may be a lot harder for them to plan ahead and to organize themselves. So they feel very disorganized and jumbled in their head all the time. And again this is not just periodically you’ve got a busy day or a week, this is something that’s persistent that keeps coming up that actually does cut into your quality of life and possibly even impairs relationships. In fact one of the biggest complains of adulthood ADHD is difficulty in their relationships whether it’s with friends or romantic partners because if as you might imagine if you are not really attending to your partner you are constantly asking for repetition and your partner it gets very impatient with you saying you never listen to me, you are never focusing on me. So it can cause a lot of difficulties in terms of their relationships.

The most common co-occurring disorder with ADHD is depression so that’s been something that’s pretty well-established and in the literature that happens to people who have childhood ADHD as well as adulthood ADHD. As a result of people underforming school because they are diagnosed with ADHD. They start to develop anxiety as well. So that’s another common co-occurring issue and the anxiety is almost secondary to the ADHD oftentimes because their ADHD makes them feel incompetent and so then they start to have performance anxiety zand feeling of inadequacy that then add on to those anxiety symptoms that eventually become clinical. There is also a subset of ADHD children and adults that experience substance issues and so individuals with ADHD tend to have a higher risk for substance use later. They tend to try substances earlier than their peers and as adults they tend to have more difficulties with substance use. I think another really important correlating factor is that adults with ADHD have a higher risk for suicidal ideation than the average population. So they are more at risk for a number of different types of psychological issues and on top of that they are also oftentimes comorbid with other types of learning disabilities. And again sometimes it is hard to tease out of the learning disability is really its own disorder or if the learning difficulties really come from the ADHD. It originates from the fact that can’t pay attention so they haven’t been able to take in the kind of information they should have by a certain age or by a certain.

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