






I have been hospitalized for five months. As time passes, I start to think about the relationship between illness and health, among which insight is the key. Insight is a deep interrogation of one's own mind by thoroughly understanding the cause and process of one's own illness. Thus, one can face life peacefully without being disturbed by the illness.

Firstly, mental disorders include obsessive - compulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia disorder, schizophrenia, and somatic symptom disorder. For these, it is necessary to understand the in - depth meaning of the diseases. When similar symptoms generally appear, treatment should be considered. One very important point is time. If the symptoms of the basic condition exist for a long time, the disease can be diagnosed. If it's just a momentary depression and one gets over it in a few days, it's not depression.

Although the definitions of diseases are clear, the symptoms of the diseases are diverse, and the stories are even more varied. Everyone's story is different. Insight can only be achieved by finding the causes and sources of the disease from oneself under the experience of medication and psychotherapy, so as to have the strength to overcome the disease.

However, life is long, and it's very difficult to keep taking medicine for a long time. Self - awareness also needs to change with the change of the environment. It's very easy to lose insight. Therefore, follow - up visits are very important, or it's also necessary to keep in touch with relevant personnel. The fight against the disease never stops.

For example, for mania, a normal quarrel is normal, but if it exceeds the degree of a quarrel, it can be diagnosed as hypomania or mania. For instance, in my case, it's okay if my sister steals something once in a while, but if she steals frequently and makes up things out of nothing, it's abnormal.

Life requires reflection on boundaries. Wish for success and happy growth!



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