Food - fancelily 的网络日记

Chinese word "民以食为天",as a person, we must eat every day,so I like nice food, like cook, more than like Chinese word "出得厅堂,下得厨房" First I enjoy the healthy food, like broccoi and



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     Chinese word "民以食为天",as a person, we must eat every day,so I like nice food, like cook, more than like Chinese word "出得厅堂,下得厨房"

   First I enjoy the healthy food, like  broccoi and eggplant,It have V-E and V-P,  and mushroom,It's improve health 免疫力。

  Second,I like cooking, like egg with tomatoes, in family, I always cooked, like Mopo topu, stir fired potatoes shreds with green pepper, many kind of soup.

    Specialfood,红烧肉,dice meat ,put rice wine and refined sugar, say source, It is wonderful smelling.

   Three , Chinese be good at medical food,like 玉米马蹄排骨汤,提升免疫力,雪梨肉饼汤,润肺止咳。

  Chinese have very long 饮食文化,many different food,吸引了全球人的目光。


The Chinese saying goes "Food is the first necessity of the people". As a human being, we have to eat every day. So I love delicious food and cooking. I even prefer the Chinese expression "be graceful in the drawing - room and skillful in the kitchen".

Firstly, I love healthy food, such as broccoli and eggplant. They contain vitamin E and vitamin P. Mushrooms can also improve the body's immunity.

Secondly, I like cooking. I often make dishes like scrambled eggs with tomatoes at home. I also make mapo tofu, stir - fried shredded potatoes with green peppers and various kinds of soup. For special food, like braised pork in brown sauce, we cut the pork into small cubes and add rice wine and refined sugar. When it's cooking, the aroma is wonderful.

Thirdly, the Chinese are good at making medicinal food. For example, the rib soup with corn and water chestnuts can enhance immunity, and the soup with pear and minced pork can moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

The Chinese have a very long - standing food culture with numerous different kinds of food, which has attracted the attention of people all over the world.

编写于:2024/10/29 20:36:05
发布 IP 属地:江西省南昌市





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